This short animation tells you a story about memories of childhood lullabies that everyone has that guide you to have a whimsical dream.
I like my work to have a message to others. This story says that it’s okay to have a bad dream or nightmare because a dream is just a dream. Whenever I hear a lullaby, it brings comfort that I am about to embark on a pleasant dream. This story is about a sleeping child who goes on a journey with dream guardians into the magical and whimsical world of sleep.
Concepting, Character and Environmental Design, Art Directing, 3D Modeling, Animation, Compositing
Cinema 4D, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition
Concepting, Character and Environmental Design, Art Directing, 3D Modeling, Animation, Compositing
Cinema 4D, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition